The Huge Caveat About it is...

An eye opener, pun intended!

-  Is that with #Ocular Sarcoidosis--




One might think, Oh, I'm good...  All I need to do is take my medication! But, actually with sarcoidosis...  





For some people that have sarcoidosis-




Even with taking rheumatology medications., auto-immune suppressants or corticosteroids, prednisone medications etc., that treat Sarcoidosis/Sarcoid if you will...  It's  still possible, that the worst can still happen to the... body part/parts  (organs) that sarcoidosis affects!

Blog Letters xoxoLisa 

- Lastly, is your doctor a mind reader!

Probably not...



Your healthcare provider will ask...


"What are you here for today"

aka., your chief complaint...



A huge part of a diagnosis is based on symptoms!  


It's important to find out the reason for symptoms ie., an treat, any coexistencg conditions that are additional to sarcoidosis symptoms; this is partly to also rule out if sarcoidosis is mimicking another disorder or condition & vice-versa.



#Sarcoidosis, is a whole body disease & requires whole body treatment!  


               Leaving out symptoms or forgetting to mention symptoms when talking to...



                        Healthcare Providers may effect a diagnosis an treatment!



P.s.  Make a note keep track of what's been bothering you! Write it down as not to forget while waiting for an appointment to see your Healthcare providers.






Is not known!



For This reason--

Blance Perspectives With Insights Managing


Staying Healthy Living With Sarcoidosis ...

Is highlighted!



With  firsthand insights about sarcoidosis+


#Facts You Need!

To Resources, To 3rd Party

Educational Links/Websites


Ton's of Informational 3rd party Webinars-- 

Also, Sarcoidosis

Related Educational


Informational Resources

Sarcoidosis News...+more

About-Sarcoidosis You-are-not-alone!

Again, #Sarcoidosis, is a whole body disease & requires whole body treatment!  

That said...


You Probably




A Lisa--  #Experience 

Wellness and preventative care with respect to...

Sarcoidosis Symptoms & Symptom Management  & Sarcoidosis Symptom Progression & Sarcoidosis stages...

#Due Diligence 





- If you run into a healthcare provider (pun intended) that tells you...




You can only talk about  " 1 "  symptom at a time during your visit...


(To my surprise and unfortunately, I have experienced this experience in a clinic setting as well in seeing a specialist) #Insights 



Even worse, to reschedule an literally pick which symptom you want to be seen for that day!

It's crucial in finding the right healthcare provider as--

#Sarcoidosis is a whole body disorder...

Stuff, like this is why some people with Sarcoidosis has or have been to a multitude of healthcare providers long before a diagnosis of sarcoidosis an thereafter.

It's a pet peeve, of mine -- 

Perspectively, when I'm asked so - Why did you change providers... #IJS

When I say Sarcoidosis is a journey it's a huge under statement!  Because, some people that have sarcoidosis do not look sick an in some cases this may hinder or delay care.





About Sarcoidosis 

- Special Thanks!

To my daughter Jaz, MBA


Aways there in my sarcoidosis journey.

xoxoLisa ♡Mom

As for me... 


My roadmap an my journey of sarcoidosis is my own!  An again its been many years since I first heard the word Sarcoidosis!  The alike too the many years figuring out how to live ergo., managing...

- Sarcoidosis Wellness & A LifeStyle Balance...


My posture is sarcoidosis experience... ergo., I have receipts if you will--  an all the Yin and Yang that came with sarcoidosis; yesterday, today an maintaining life living with sarcoid, sarcoidosis moving forward.

Blog Letters xoxoLisa

Save The Date:  April 23rd

-Educate Thyself Valiantly About-Sarcoidosis...

Navigating ✔️Resources ✔️

From someone who has had sarcoidosis for more then 10+years...


  Me, You & Sarcoidosis




Annually April Is Sarcoidosis Awareness Month



When You're@Home Resources

- She made it her mission sarcoidosis cognizance... 


In my search for informational purposes about sarcoidosis✔️ pointing out resources✔️

Information Awareness 

That I've found to be helpful 




SARCOIDOSIS- Hyperlink References, 3rd-party Links & Resources/websites/sites; 3rd-party References Listed here at--


Cognizance, Insights, perspective and opinion as a patient-- living with sarcoidosis...


- XoxoLisa