- Empowering The SAR-KOI-DOSIS Community

Adapting One Day At A Time...

#Sarcoidosis LifeStyle 






Empowering Knowledge About-Sarcoidosis!





- Life In Motion...





Exploring The World Of Sarcoidosis




One Day At A Time!






Exploring Insights, Strategies For Wellness & LifeStyle Balance Managing Sarcoidosis!

xoxoLisa Akridge, Personal Blog


About-Sarcoidosis #LifeStyle Blog

About me 


-My Story...



I too have Sarcoidosis, Ocular & Systemic Sarcoidosis--

(Additionaly, too sarcoidosis - Heerfordt Syndrome Subacute sarcoidosis)




Sarcoidosis starts Somewhere & that somewhere was my eye...


I didn't have pink eye 

It was Ocular Sarcoidosis...




- What's important is not to ignore symptoms...




With Ocular Sarcoidosis of the eye/eyes a medical eye doctor is needed; to primarily look for anterior, posterior or paniveitis #uveitis... 

A Medical Eye Doctor!

Such as - An Ophthalmologist, Uveitis Specialist or Retina Specialist.. 





It's not just a Lisa problem...


Sarcoidosis is an Inflammatory disease-

- Sarcoidosis, has no respect of person because it can effect people of all ages, races & nationalities & backgrounds --



Perspectively, as patient diagnosed with #Sarcoidosis I am blogging because of my Insights from my first-hand personal sarcoidosis experiences...





Moreover, having experienced life living with & managing sarcoidosis systemically;  Additionally, while also contending with other comorbidities...

At the same time for more then 10+years. 





Hence, About-Sarcoidosis It's...

My Lifestyle Blog-- 


Living with Sarcoidosis

One day at a time!





You are not alone!

- I too have Sarcoidosis...




SAR-KOI-DOSIS, it's not just in my eye!  


Its in my entire body, systemic sarcoidosis as sarcoidosis can effect any region of the body or organ.  I know first-hand that the journey of sarcoidosis is lonely and mentally exhausting doubled with physical exhaustion from fatigue.  Also, from just having sarcoidosis an exhausting in the journey, while doctors figure out whats wrong.




- It is absolutely, A journey into a type of no man's land and I hate cliches...  




My rheumatologist, diagnosed me with sarcoidosis.  Sarcoidosis, acutely started in my right eye an eventually chronic; as well as my skin.  My doctor stressed to me that even with autoimmune suppressants; some sarcoidosis patients have some degree or total loss of vision. This is when I was forced to become aware! knowledgeable - About-Sarcoidosis Hence,




#Due Diligence as a patient with sarcoidosis.




I call it the journey of sarcoidosis and its exactly that until you get an official diagnosis of sarcoidosis.

Sarcoidosis, Fatigue is alike to a day in the life of let's say a grandparent... who awakes early after sleeping all night, bathes has breakfast and then watches tv in their favorite recliner.  You notice that they have slept the day away... watching tv, but actually sleeping in their recliner all day.


It's brushed off their old and that they slept all day... slept the day away.   Mind you their happy in their recliner chair no complaints, not one.  Why, I say... they have no energy, and we call it being old.... to sleep all day after having slept all night, how is it possible!




Conversely, and similarly... this is how a person with sarcoidosis feels as it relates to fatigue, exhaustion, no energy, exhausted even after sleeping all night!




Lastly, A little mindfulness... keep in mind tired is remedied by sleeping; verses tired/exhaustion when you have sarcoidosis is not remedied with sleep. Sarcoidosis is now known to be a common chronic illness that affects people all over the world living with sarcoidosis



This Blog is for me, you...

Me You & Sarcoidosis!

Who walk alone until there is a diagnosis that you have sarcoidosis; which sometimes can take years... or for some may have already taken years!




About-sarcoidosis.com is sarcoidosis information I wish I new when #Sarcoidosis symptoms started in my body 10+yrs ago.  Life balance making it make sence! About Sarcoidosis@Home...  It's self care, self due diligence of a #Balance of staying healthy living with #Sarcoidosis.


xoxoLisa Akridge 


■For Informational Purposes Only■

Insights On Sarcoidosis & Navagiating Life With Sarcoidosis!

Frequently asked question!

What is sarcoidosis an how do you spell it...


SAR-KOI-DOSIS OR SAR-KOY-DOSIS  or Sarcoidosis an also known as  Sarcoid.



Also known as⤵️


Besnier–Boeck–Schaumann disease. 


The name comes from the words "sarcoid" which means flesh




"osis" which means disorder.



When You're@Home




What Happens is...  Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease that occurs when the immune system overreacts, causing abnormal collections of inflammatory cells called granulomas to form in the body's organs. 


The immune system creates inflammation to help defend  against germs and sickness.



But in #Sarcoidosis, "Inflammation goes off track" and the cells in the immune system; Hence... form lumps, called granulomas in the body.



Over time, "Inflammation" may lead to permanent scarring and damage of organs!

Sarcoidosis effects...

Sarcoidosis can effect the...



Lungs, Skin, Eyes, Nose and Paranasal Sinuses, Muscles, Joints & Bones Heart, Liver, Spleen, Bowel, Kidney, Nerves, Lymph Nodes & Brain.




With Ocular Sarcoidosis especially acute-- Ergo., the initial onset of Ocular Sarcoidosis--  Its crucial to see an Ophthalmologist!



As soon as possible inorder to possibly reverse visual loss an or damage inorder to prevent permanent loss of vision!



With Sarcoidosis a multidisciplinary approach is often needed to address --



#Ocular Sarcoidosis as well as...  

Additional, and other...

Systemic Manifestations Of Sarcoidosis that can happen!




In the Joints



Can be an every day thing!

For some with sarcoidosis!

So your tired!




-For most people living with sarcoidosis 


 Irregardless to any manifestation of Sarcoidosis... 


- No Amount Of Sleep Cures -







-How  Do You  Know 


What You Don't Know...





Educate Thyself--


#Sarcoidosis Cognizance


With an "Emphasis" on...








Of what your body is trying to tell you via., #Symptoms 


SAR-KOI-DOSIS Cognizance

Preventative Care Matters! 

I too have...




Conversely, A Focused Management Plan of  Care-

Can be crucia!


When you have sarcoidosis or suspect sarcoidosis 


Which... May afford less--



Lessen the--



by Sarcoidosis...

There are  "3" Subacute Variants Of Sarcoidosis

 "3"  Subacute








1.  Lofgrens Syndrome 



2.  Heerfordt Syndrome., 

Aka- Heerfordt Waldenstrom



3.  Blau Syndrome 


Sarcoidosis can...












Switch Up On You!


Some people can go for years...





-There are no symptoms-


Ergo., It is possible to have...




Without symptoms for years!


Which may/or/can change suddenly or gradually to acute or chronic..


#Sarcoidosis with manifestation of symptoms.






So... So...


It's Called Sarcoidosis!


⏫️⏫️⏫️.               Listen now⏫️⏫️⏫️



 #LifeStyle Blog



When You're@Home


Who knew!



For some, too much....


#Sunshine or too much Vitamin D can

cause high calcium levels in the blood

and urine which can lead to kidney

problems for people with...



- An Introduction Webinar  -

More+ ...


Figuring It Out...

⏫️⏫️Listen now⏫️⏫️

Sarcoidosis: 101

Start Here 

- What's  it called?




When you wake up tired-


When you wake up exhausted!



When you Slept all night...


Sleep all day-



When you wake up with zero energy-



Its called  Sarcoidosis!


 Sarcoidosis can cause daily...



Exhaustion & Fatigue!



The feeling of no energy if you will...


Tomatoe, Tomato Tired all the time!


A general consensus within that you just don't feel well!












Sharing Tips ✔️

Insights ✔️


Sarcoidosis Wellness


LifeStyle Balance

When You're@Home



| Helpful Links |


-Plan of Care-



-  Sarcoidosis Doctors  -

Click here: ↪️↪️

  Sarcoidosis Doctors by State (webmd.com)